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October Bomibox – Thankful

Hello !

Je suis contente de vous retrouver aujourd’hui pour un nouvel unboxing de ma box de produits de beauté coréen : La bomibox. J’ai beaucoup de retard pour vous présenter les dernières box que j’ai reçu mais au moins j’ai pu prendre le temps de tester chaque produit. Ici, plutôt qu’une vidéo je vous propose un article écrit. Vous me direz ce que vous préférez.

J’ai essayé de proposer de jolies photos comme ma copine blogueuse Jill du blog qui soigne toujours ces revues de produits de beauté coréens. On partage le même intérêt pour le k-beauty. 🙂

En Novembre je recevais la box du mois d’octobre : Thankful. C’est la dernière box que j’ai reçu avec emballage plus coloré. Depuis le mois de décembre, je reçois mes produits de beauté dans une box plus sobre qui se veut plus éco-responsable.

I’m happy to be back today to share with you a new unboxing of the Bomibox, a box of Korean beauty products. I’m a little bit late to share with you the unboxing of all the last boxes I received but at least it gives me the time to test all the products. Here, rather than a video I’m sharing an article. Let me know if you prefer a video or an article.

I tried to take pretty picture just like my blogger friend Jill, from the blog She always takes such pretty pictures and shares amazing reviews. We have the same interest for k-beauty.

In November I received the Thankful box for October. It’s the last box I received with an original design on it. Since December, I’m receiving boxes in a more sober packing. They are trying to be more ecologic.

Dans la box du mois d’octobre j’ai reçu :

In the October box I received :

In this kit there was a cleanser, a toner a serum and a snail and centella cream. I think it’s pretty cool to received some samples so I can try a whole new routine. I really enjoy the smell of this cleanser and I found all theses products pretty hydrating.

A lemon peeling gel to exfoliate the skin really well. You just to get a little amount of the product and then scrub your face with it. I love using this product. It removes all the impurities and let my skin all soft.

A make up remover which is a first oil cleanser. It’s hypo allergenic and this is good for sensible skin because the product feels very soft. But I’m not a huge fan of this one. I don’t think it takes oft the make up that easily. Maybe I’m just too used of the make up remover I’m using since year : The micellar water H20 from Bioderma

A lovely headband for the hair. I was so happy to receive this goody. It’s very useful especially when you have a fringe to put back your hair when you’re doing a mask. That’s way you don’t have the product all over your hair.

A cream base of snail extracts. It may be surprising but this is very common and popular in Korea to have snail based products. On the website of the box they said this is the number 1 brand in Korea for snail based products. At first the product felt quite sticky on my face. But then I learnt how to dose it better. You just need a little amount to hydrate your skin very well. I love this product and I’m so sad. Because I’m almost done with it.

I was able to try a new face mask. This one has 2 steps. First, you put the foil eye patch then you add the face mask all above it. I love to take the time to have a mask one. It always hydrates my skin pretty well. 🙂

I received this mask in double and it was very hydrating. I’m so happy I got a second one.

Mon produit préféré de cette box est sans aucun doute la crème à base d’escargot que je trouve très hydratante. Mais j’ai également beaucoup apprécie recevoir un serre-tête pour les cheveux. C’est tellement utile pour se faire des masques sans salir ses cheveux.

My favorite product of this box is without hestionation the snail based cream. I found this cream very hydrating. But I also appreciate very well to receive a hair band for my hair. This is very useful to not make your hair dirty when you put a mask on.

Des bisous, xx


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