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Mes petits trucs #9

Hello !

Ça faisait un moment que je n’avais pas partagé avec vous un nouvel article « mes petits trucs », l’article où je partage avec vous les dernières choses que j’ai aimé donc j’ai un tas de choses à vous montrer ici. C’est parti. On commence par les séries et films :

It’s been a while since the last time I share with you a new article « mes petits trucs », the article where I share with you all the last things I loved so I have a lot of things to talk to you about. Let’s go ! First let’s start with the tv shows and movies :

The tv show « Alta Mar » on Netflix I already talked to you about this tv show here. I really love this Spanish drama. It takes place in the 40’s just after the second world war. We follow 2 sisters in a cruiser boat where a lot of things happened on this boat. Between investigation and drama, we don’t get bored in this tv show. Lately I watched the season 2 and the season 3 and I love theses 2 new seasons just as much as the first one, maybe even more than the first one. In the season 3, the plot is different : this time it’s about a virus which appeared on the boat.. I don’t think the producers of this show would of guess how a virus will be a very actual problematic right now. The only bad thing is the season 3 ends with a cliffhanger and I hear they may cancelled the tv show. I hope not because I really want to know what’s gonna happen next ! I also really love the costumes of this tv show. By the way I think I’ll open a new category on the blog where I’ll talk to you about my favorite costumes in a tv show or a movie. So stay tuned if you want to know more about my favorites costumes in this tv show.

The tv show « Down to earth » with Zac Efron on Netflix : I got a big crush for this tv show. It made us travel and aware of new sustainable solutions. In each episode we follow the famous actor Zac Efron in a new country where he discovers a new lifestyle and ecologic ways. With my husband we binge watched it and it felt really good to travel from our couch. I was even pretty happy to discover an episode in France. The only negative point I found about this tv show it’s the sponsors. I mean Hello Hilton hotels and gastronomic restaurants not everybody can afford. By the way do you have more travel related shows or movies to suggest to me ?

The tv show Once upon a time on Disney + : This tv show is not new but the 7 seasons just appeared on Disney + and I’m so happy to rediscover it. For those who don’t know about this tv show it follows fairy tales characters who appeared to be stucked in our real world because of a curse from the Evil Queen. I never finished the all show because It felt weird to have new actors in the last season but this time I’ll finish it. I think it’s the perfect tv show to put myself in the fall mood. I love to rediscover the fairy tales in a whole different way. The all storyline of this tv show is amazing. By moment characters are inspired by the original fairy tales and sometimes they’re more inspired by Disney but always with a twist. It’s really nice to discover the past of a character in each new episode.

The other Boleyn girl on Netflix : It’s been a while since I want to watch it on Netflix and it was a great pick. The costumes are beautiful. I also need to share with a specific article about my favorite costumes and accessories. I don’t know the story of the Tudors but it was cool to learn more about the Boleyn sisters and Henry VIII even if I’m sure they added a lot more drama than the actual historic facts.

Mulan : We were finally able to watch Mulan on Disney + and I really enjoyed the movie. I was 4 years old when I watched Mulan at the cinema and I loved just as much this new version of the animation movie. I know a lot of people were disappointed by this remake but for me it was pretty good. I think Disney tried to touch the asian and the occidental public in this movie but people who are used to asian movie may not like this one and at the contrary people who expect a copy of the original one won’t like it neither. But for me who grow up with Disney and don’t know much about kung-fu movies It was good ! The all esthetic of the movie is beautiful. A lot of scenes are remarquable and you can tell they thought a lot before to pick the colors, the backgrounds and the costumes of this movie. The costumes are beautiful. I really love the outfit Mulan is wearing during the battles. By the way the character of Mulan is a lot better than in the animated one. At first when I saw the trailer I was really confused by adding the witch which is a new character in this remake and when I watched the movie It made sense and I just loved this character. The only thing I regret is the lack of music. I understand they cancelled all the original musics because they didn’t want to make a musical but I would of love to have stronger atmosphere musics in this movie just like there was in Dumbo. I’m really sensitive to Danny Elfman’s music but I understand this composer may be too linked to Burton’s universe. After all maybe was just the sound of my tv which was not loud enough. It’s such a shame they won’t show this movie at the cinema because It would of be such a great one to see at the theaters !

Je suis contente d’avoir lu plusieurs livres ces derniers mois. Avec plusieurs membres de ma famille on s’est créés un club de lecture, chaque mois on choisit un livre et une fois que tout le monde l’a terminé, on en discute. Je trouve le concept trop chouette et surtout ça me permet de pouvoir faire une activité en commun avec ma famille même s’ils habitent loin de moi. J’avais pris l’idée sur le superbe blog de Rachel : Rd’s obsession. Grâce à ses suggestions de lecture notre premier livre était :

I read quite few books theses last months. With my family we decided to create a reading club : Every month we picked a book and when everybody finished it we talked about it. The concept is pretty cool and it allows me to do an activity with my family even if they are away. I got this idea from the beautiful blog of Rachel : Rd’s Obsession. Thanks to her our first book was :

The Unlikely adventures of the Shergill sisters by Valli Kaur Jaswal. I picked this book to make me travel in India. It’s been years since we want to go in India with hubby but every time we miss the right time to go there. The book tells the story of 3 sisters who go in India to find their roots and honor their mother but everything opposes theses 3 sisters. I really enjoyed this novel just like the others members of family who read it did as well. It’s really easy to read. We all read it pretty fast and some situations of this book remind me of the relation I can have with my sister.

Ensuite nous avons choisi deux autres livres :

Then we picked two more books :

« Et que ne durent que les moments doux » by Virginie Grimaldi. Unfortunately this novel is not yet translated in English. Virginie Grimaldi is a very famous author in France. In this new book she tells the story of 2 moms : one just gave birth to a premature baby and the other one see her kids leave the nest. I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to read. The chapters were super short so when I was done with you I couldn’t stop to read the next one because I wanted to know what was gonna happen for each character. I didn’t expect the end. It was a really pretty novel about the mom/kid relation. I was able to understand better the emotion my parents went through when I left the nest. But my parents who also read this book thought it was too slow.

The woman in the window by A.J Finn : It’s the novel I’m currently reading. This time it’s a thriller so the style it’s totally different from the 2 last novels I shared with you. The story is about a woman who is a hermit. She doesn’t go out anymore and one day by looking at her neighbor’s house by her window she found her neighbor getting stabbed. Alcoholic, nobody believes her. I‘m just halfway through this book so I don’t what’s gonna to happen at the end. So far I think the beginning was pretty slow but I can’t wait to know the end of this novel. The movie from this book should launch in Netflix and when I’m done with this book I’ll be so happy to discover the movie of this thriller.

Sinon ces derniers mois j’ai également lu deux autres livres hors de ce club de lecture :

Theses last months I also read 2 others books outside this reading club :

The accidentel empress by Allison Pataki. It’s been years since I have this book in my library but I never took the time to read it. It’s my parents who gave it to me for Christmas years ago. I‘ve been fascinate about the history of Sissi the empress since I’m really little because when I was younger there was an animation show about her life at the tv. I even had her dress in costume. Let me know if this animation show is familiar to you as well. One day I would love to visit her castle at Vienna or her palace in Corfou. So far I only visited her appartement in Venise. Anyway back to this novel it tells her beginning as an empress. I really enjoyed this novel even if they probably add a little bit of fiction in this novel. I wished the novel was not ending. I really wanted to keep reading the story of Sissi until the end of her life.

A whole new world by Liz Braswell : I already told you about the Disney twisted tales novels in my last « Mes petits trucs » article. Hubby got me a big part of the collection of this books. There is even more to come out. I already read the twisted story of Beauty and the beast and I recently read the new story of Aladdin. It was probably my first time to read a whole novel in English and I’m happy I succeeded to understand the whole story. With hubby who is American we only speak English together but we never really use a literature language haha. In this novel Aladdin never found the lamp so the whole story we know from the animation classic is transformed. Just like the twisted tale of Beauty and the Beast I loved this new story. Compared to the orignal story the novel is a lot more mature. Sometimes I even thought it was pretty dark. During the whole novel I was wondering if we’re gonna have an happy ending and when I finished the book I wished there was some extra chapters to do what was gonna happen next. This is really good ! For any Disney lover I totally recommend theses books. I already can’t wait to read the others.

N’hésitez pas à me donner de nouvelles suggestions de lecture !

Don’t hesitate to recommend me more books !

Malheureusement ces derniers mois, nous n’avons pas fait beaucoup de sorties. Il fait encore très chaud à Bahrein et beaucoup d’établissement sont encore fermés. Il n’y’a honnêtement pas grand chose à faire en ce moment mais j’étais contente en me promenant sur la plage de découvrir ce cormoran tout mignon. Il était vraiment pas sauvage on a pu s’en approcher tout près. Il est trop chou ! Ces moments la nous font vraiment apprécier de vivre a l’étranger. C’est trop chouette de découvrir une faune et une flore différente de ce qu’on n’a pu être habitué auparavant.

Unfortunately theses last months we didn’t do a lot in Bahrain. It’s still really hot and a lot of the places are still closed. But I was really happy when I walked by the beach to see a super cute cormoran. It was not savage at all. We’re able to see it pretty close. It was so cute ! That’s the kind of moments which make me realize how lucky we are to live outside. This is so fun to discover a new fauna and flora.

Nous étions également contents de découvrir un nouveau centre commercial. Même si pour le moment il n’y’a encore quasiment aucun magasin d’installé , ça vaut le coup de le visiter car il est magnifique. Il est ultra moderne avec son architecture, son plafond à Led qui change constamment d’arrière-plan et surtout son superbe aquarium. A son ouverture il y’avait meme deux expositions : Une petite exposition de mode et une exposition de figurines géantes qui a beaucoup plus à mon mari. J’ai deja hate d’y retourner quand les travaux seront fini pour pouvoir s’y promener tout autour. Ils vont construire des lagons tout autour et vu les plans, je pense que ça va être magnifique.

We’re also happy to discover a new mall. So far there is no shops installed inside this mall but it’s really worth it because it’s beautiful. This architecture is so modern and stunning. There is a Led ceiling with a changing background. It’s amazing ! And.. There is an aquarium inside the mall. For its opening there was 2 exhibitions : A little one about fashion and an other ones about huge comics figurines. I already can’t wait to visit it again when all the works will be done because the outside will be amazing. There are gonna build some lagoons all around. It’s gonna be so nice to walk around this mall during winter times.

Sinon comme nous sommes bloqués à la maison forcément on passe plus de temps à trouver de nouvelles activitées.

Since we’re stuck at home we always tried to look for more activities to do at home.

Récemment j’ai donc découvert le jeu Fall guys sur playstation. Vous en avez forcément entendu parler si vous regardez des vidéos sur Youtube. C’est le nouveau jeu en réseau « à la mode » après Fortnite et j’adore ! Bon ce jeu est loin de me laisser calme. Il met mes nerfs à rude épreuve mais qu’est ce que c’est drôle. Le jeu commence avec 50 ou 60 joueurs en réseau. Les premiers qui réussissent le parcours à obstacles sont qualifiés pour la prochaine épreuve jusqu’à ce qu’il en reste plus qu’un. Le principe du jeu a clairement était inspiré je pense par des jeux télévisés comme le jeu japonais « à l’assaut du château de Takeshi » ou le jeu français « Intervilles ». C’est vraiment très drôle et les personnages sont trop mignon en forme de bonbons.

Recently I discovered Fall guys on playstation. I’m sure you heard about it if you watched videos on Youtube. It’s the new « trendy » game after fortnite. I love it. It’s pretty funny but it’s far to keep me clam. The game starts with 50 or 60 players in network. The first ones to succeed the course is qualified for the next one until there is only one winner. I think the game has been inspired by a Japanese show I used to watch when I was younger. It’s really really funny and the characters looking like jelly beans are super cute !

Vous le savez surement j’adore les jeux de sociétés et avec hubby nous avons trouvé notre jeu fétiche c’est Villainous. Il m’avait offert les deux extensions a mon anniversaire et nous avons tellement aimé ce jeu que nous avons acheté la troisième extension ainsi que le jeu principale. Et ce jeu est excellent. ! Comme c’est Disney on pourrait croire que c’est réservé aux enfants et non car le jeu est à partir de 10 ans. Vous incarnez un méchant Disney et il faut être stratégique et bien jouez ces cartes pour pouvoir réussir l’objectif de ce méchant Disney. Ce qui est chouette c’est que chaque méchant Disney a un objectif qui lui est propre et plus vous jouez et plus vous savez comment gagné avec ce personnage. Une fois le personnage bien maitrisé vous allez vouloir en choisir un autre ce qui fait que les parties sont interminables. On est vraiment addictes à ce jeu. Parfois une partie dure une dizaine de minutes alors que parfois elle peut durer bien plus d’une heure. Et non seulement le gameplay est top mais en plus tout le graphisme de ce jeu est incroyable. D’ailleurs dites-moi si ça vous intéresse un article spéciale jeux de société comme avec hubby on est très adeptes surtout en ce moment bloqués à la maison.

Like you may already know with hubby we love board games and we found our favorite one. It’s called Villainous. Hubby bought me for my birthday the 2 extensions for this game. We loved it that much we wanted to add new characters so we bought an other extension and the main game. This game is really really good. Like it’s Disney some of you could think it’s too childish but it’s actually from 10 years old and it’s not that easy. You pick a Disney villain and you have to be pretty strategic with your cards to success the goal of this villain. This game is good because every character has his own goal so more you play more you know how to win with a character. And once you know a character by heart you want to discover a new one so you can truly spend hours playing this game. We are really addict to this game. Sometimes the game last few minutes and sometimes it can last more than one hour. The graphisme of this game is also amazing. By the way let me know if you’re interesting about an article just about board games. It’s a good activity to do when you don’t want to go out much with this all craziness.

Sinon, j’ai continué de nouveaux projets couture. Je n’ai pas encore pris ces deux nouvelles pieces de mon dressing en photos mais je suis plutôt satisfaite de leurs deux résultats. J’étais contente de pouvoir réaliser deux pieces avec ce tissu liberty. J’ai hâte de vous en montrer plus.

I was happy to make new sewing projets. I didn’t take theses 2 new pieces in pictures yet but I’m pretty happy how they turned out. It was cool to realize 2 new pieces with this liberty fabric. I can’t wait to show you more about it.

Et pour finir, le dernier petit truc que j’ai aimé dernièrement c’est la love box. La love box c’est le cadeau que j’ai offert à mes parents cet été pour leurs anniversaires et fêtes des mères/fêtes des pères. Il s’agit d’une boîte en bois inventé en France grâce à laquelle vous pouvez envoyer des messages à distance. Quand vous recevez un message, le coeur de la boîte tourne, vous l’ouvrez et découvrez le message. Mes parents sont hyper contents de leurs cadeau. Moi grâce a l’application je peux leur envoyer des mots doux et grâce à la box connectée en wifi ils reçoivent les messages chez eux. Le petit plus c’est les gifs qui changent en fonction des événements et des saison. C’est a mes yeux le cadeau parfait pour envoyer un peu de chaleur a distances à ses proches. Autre point positif c’est que pour les gens qui habitent comme nous à l’étranger vous pouvez choisir la prise qui vous convient.

And the last thing to talk to you about it’s the love box. The love box is what I get to my parents this summer for their birthday and mother’s day/Father’s Day. It’s a little wood box designed in France which able you to send messages even if you’re far away. When you received a message the heart of the box spine and then you just have to open the box to discover the message. My parents are really happy with this present. Thanks to the application of the love box I can send them sweet words they’ll then receive to their box connected in wifi. You can write your messages with gifs which changed following the seasons. For me this is the perfect gift to give if your loved ones live far from you. And if like me your loved ones live in a stranger country you can pick the charger corresponding to the country.

J’espère que cet article vous aura plu.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Des bisous, xx


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